Extroverts thrive in social settings, drawing energy from interactions with others

Understanding which countries have the most extroverted populations can provide insights into their vibrant social cultures. 

Data obtained from a three-year study of individuals who took the NERIS Type Explorer personality test allows us an inside look at which countries are most extroverted and which are most introverted.

Let’s explore some of the world’s most extroverted nations and how their geography and culture foster this outgoing nature.

Central America: Nicaragua

Nicaragua leads the list with a +14.97% extroverted population.

Known for its warm and welcoming people, the country’s tropical climate and beautiful landscapes, including beaches, volcanoes, and lakes, create a perfect backdrop for social gatherings and outdoor activities.

Nicaraguans have a strong sense of community, often coming together for festivals, street parties, and cultural celebrations, which amplifies their extroverted nature.

Middle East: Lebanon & United Arab Emirates

Lebanon, with a +12.78% extroverted population, is a country where socializing is a way of life. 

The Lebanese culture values hospitality, family gatherings, and vibrant nightlife. 

Beirut, the capital, is known for its lively social scene with numerous cafes, bars, and nightclubs. 

The Mediterranean climate further encourages outdoor social activities, making Lebanon a haven for extroverts.

The United Arab Emirates, with a +7.99% extroverted population, is a hub of cultural and social diversity.

Cities like Dubai and Abu Dhabi are famous for their luxurious lifestyle, bustling markets, and high-energy events. 

The cosmopolitan environment of the UAE fosters a culture of social engagement and networking, making it a prime destination for extroverts.

Africa: Rwanda, Cameroon, Uganda, & Nigeria

Rwanda, with a +10.32% extroverted population, is known for its communal culture and strong social ties.

The country’s emphasis on community development and collective well-being fosters a sense of togetherness.

Rwandans often participate in community events and traditional dance and music gatherings, reflecting their extroverted spirit.

Cameroon, with +8.43% extroverted, offers a diverse cultural landscape that promotes social interaction. 

The country’s numerous ethnic groups and languages contribute to a rich tradition of festivals, music, and dance. 

This vibrant cultural scene makes Cameroon an extroverted nation where social bonds are celebrated.

Uganda, with a +7.69% extroverted population, is renowned for its friendly and sociable people. 

The country’s lively markets, music festivals, and national parks provide ample opportunities for social interaction. 

Ugandans’ love for storytelling and communal activities further highlights their extroverted nature.

Nigeria, with a +7.43% extroverted population, is one of Africa’s most dynamic countries. 

Known for its bustling cities, particularly Lagos, Nigeria has a vibrant social life characterized by music, dance, and festivals. 

The Nigerian culture emphasizes communal living and social networks, making it an ideal environment for extroverts.

Asia: Uzbekistan & Afghanistan

Uzbekistan, with +8.5% extroverted, boasts a culture rich in hospitality and social interaction. 

The country’s tradition of tea houses (chaikhanas) serves as social hubs where people gather to share stories and build connections. 

The vibrant bazaars and cultural festivals also contribute to Uzbekistan’s extroverted nature.

Afghanistan, with a +7.56% extroverted population, has a culture that places a strong emphasis on family and community. 

Social gatherings, traditional music, and storytelling are integral parts of Afghan life. 

Despite the country’s challenges, the Afghan people maintain a resilient and extroverted spirit, fostering strong social bonds.

Oceania: Fiji

Fiji, with a +7.25% extroverted population, is known for its friendly and welcoming people. 

The island nation’s culture revolves around community and social activities. 

Traditional Fijian ceremonies, communal feasts, and vibrant dances reflect the extroverted nature of its people, making Fiji a paradise for social interaction.

Understanding the extroverted nature of these countries offers a glimpse into their dynamic social cultures.

From the bustling markets of Nigeria to the communal tea houses of Uzbekistan, these nations exemplify the vibrancy and energy that extroverts bring to the world.

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